Monday 30 June 2008


I did not know Waitrose sold such things.

The recording of Gok Wan's Fashion Fix was very exhausting. But rather good. They gave us lots to eat and I made myself sick by mixing every flavour of Vitamin Water. Which is disgusting, by the way. Lulu was the guest and she was amazing.

I went shopping on Saturday. Despite it being well sale busy, I survived. I bought four pairs of shoes, marmalade, tea, and a lovely wooden xylophone puller car for Amy's nephew. It is his christening on Sunday and his birthday on Tuesday. We had lunch in Leon, cream tea in Liberty and dinner in a crazy Indian restaurant where I was heckled for my bags. I love eating. I particularly love eating sushi on the bus. I'm aware this is frowned upon. But I never used to like sushi, so I'm having it at every available moment.

Today we visited Ham House. I've wanted to go there for a while and we had great fun pretending that it was actually ours. We ate our pack lunches in the beautiful gardens and took quite a few pictures. I had a cheese and tomato sandwich. Afterwards, we went to watch Narnia which was alot better than I thought it would be. I ate sushi. My belly was gurgling like a mother because I ran out of medication. I secretly hope that my doctor takes me off them when I see him tomorrow.

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