I have discovered the joy of recording on my sister's camera. I'm going to bore you all to death, ha! Youtube is rubbishly slow and spoils my great recording abilities. I caught most of Adulthood at the cinema. I thought it was going to be terrible but I quite enjoyed it. There were times when I laughed when I shouldn't have. Also Hancock twice. I am liking Will Smith much more than before. Wanted, Kung Fu Panda and Edge of Love too. A boy who used to go to my school was in it but I completely didn't see him. He is also going to be in the next Harry Potter. This makes me quite jealous.
We went to
First Friday and Amy got really drunk. She was actually drunk in the cinema and just continued at the club. I had orange juice. My ankles were really hurting in the cinema. I foolishly removed my shoes and I looked like I had Homer Simpson feet. So I hardly danced at all. Outside we found a shopping trolley so Amy pushed me around Islington whilst I proceeded to scream my lungs out. I travelled the two hours home without shoes.
I was asked to be the godmother of Freddie (Amy's nephew) and his Christening was on Sunday. He screamed the place down! The priest even anointed him twice so he must have thought he was Damien. Then the other babies started to cry and he went to sleep like an angel. We had tasty cakes.

I really enjoyed the Dr Seuss exhibition, there was so much I didn't know about him.

Black Kids played HMV and we decided to go. We were too distracted by a crazy tramp to really notice them, though. He was great. He tried to climb over the barrier and caused complete disorder by falling on the floor. Security shouted for him to leave but he didn't. Then he simply moved the barriers and walked passed them. He was removed and we saw him talking to the police afterwards. We followed him and he stole a massive gold ring in Dorothy Perkins. No one saw. He tried to sell in it the street. The he went to the tube station where we lost him.