My two new bags from recent charity outings. I like their faces! I even went to Golder's Green, I had never been there before and will not be going again. No, thank you.I have watched very many movies this week. Including the Omen remake which is not at all frightening and I felt like a big burke for avoiding it for so long. The Incredible Hulk, twice. I love Edward Norton and the Hulk looks a bit like my father. This is strange and amusing. My father is not green. Watch The Happening, so entirely random and the acting is wonderful! Mark Wahlburg's reactions are great. His frown lines make me happy.There were two recordings that I missed. Graham Norton because I went to a friend's
exhibition opening. I had a great time milling around in my new Burberry golf shoes. It is exactly how I imagined it to be. Ladies topping up your champagne and arty types being pretentious in their fashionable attire. There were clearly people who just walked in for the free alcohol and somebody got into an argument with one. It was great. And, Rolf Harris came in! He demanded (in a really nice way) to know where the artist was. He talked to Sarah for absolutely ages by each of her paintings. He is the smiliest person I've ever seen. He wore jesus creepers and had ketchup on his chinos. Afterwards we went to eat at Strada and I ate the biggest pizza. I don't particularly like pizza. Also, missed We Need Answers because Amy and I went to the cinema and a medical center when it was closed. I seem to have had an unapparent growth spurt, Amy measured me and I am 5ft 5 and a half! The last time I was just 5ft 4. Madness.And here is one photo from Prague that was lost on my computer.