I think my mother is feeling guilty about giving me shoddy genes.I have a new laptop and have spent my life importing songs today. I can actually update my ipod now. And I like Paramore.

Also I have spent this week at a person's great house drinking earl grey, eating cheesecake and sewing. We went shopping to buy my belated Mother's day present and wool. And to Borough Market for rhubarb as it seems impossible to get anywhere else. Heidi (she's the person) made a spice cake with it and it tasted well weird. I do not like rhubarb. There's a cheese shop (I'm sure there's an actual name other than cheese shop) just off the market and I went in to look for raclette cheese. The smell was so offensive that I shouted, "My god, it smells like a bum!" and left. I didn't realise but Jamie Oliver was there and he must think me a simpleton. Ah well.Afterwards we were walking to Regent's Park and George Galloway came by in his open-top bus with sunglasses, loud music and the worst bubble machine I have ever seen. It was all wrong. There were big men on his bus. Yesterday was the Nokia Green Room again but I decided to go to the cinema to see Lars And The Real Girl. It was nice. I generally stay away from beards but I like how Ryan Gosling looks with one. Then I went to Koko with Claire as she had wristbands. I believe we saw one song from Make Model. The whole affair wasn't very exciting so we went to Sainsbury's and Claire's house to eat bagels and watch her flatmate play on his Wii. That was much more fun. Artichokes are my new favourite food. I've had them five times this week. Yum.Tomorrow I'm going in to my new school. There'll be no children but I need to get acquainted with the place and see if I don't pass out from all the stairs.