This week I went to see Painted Veil. Edward Norton is in it. I like Edward Norton. It was a nice film. I don't think I'd buy it. But it was nice. The subject matter wasn't nice at all. But, y'know. Nice.
I bought some glasses. The ones you wear when you can't see good. They are just regular Specsavers ones. I have as much aggravation choosing glasses as I do choosing shoes. I picked the only pair that didn't make me look like
Dame Edna Everage.
Amy had complimentary tickets to Camden Crawl. So we foolishly went. We had lots of fun, that had nothing at all to do with it. We spent most of our time outside the youth centre near The Hawley Arms. Amy drank alot of warm coke and rum. By alot, I mean pretty much a whole bottle of each. I had about a cup. We also went to McDonalds where I raged about the lack of ice-cream. "No ice-cream?! Then what's the point of my even being here?!" - I think I said that to the staff. I also had a scuffle with Sainsbury's security. Apparently you are not even allowed to look at alcohol if you are under 18. It's a good thing that I'm flipping 23 then, innit! There was a brief argument before I was willing to show my id. He was flabbergasted. I told him to say sorry. He said sorry. I also said that I would never enter that shop ever again. I did the next day. But that's not the point.
We saw a bit of
Brigade. Bit loud. Then we gave up on the crawl and went to see
Rum Shebeen instead. They used to be the Ludes. There was a drunk guy who was celebrating his birthday. He seemed nice. But drunk, of course. A duo called
Air Hammer played and they are AMAZING. The singer has that vintage (yes) Elvis Costello thing. They sounded like all my favorite theatre productions in one! They are playing CROYDON (ha!) tomorrow and I might go see them. I was supposed to see Dirty Pretty Things (HA HA!) but my
free tickets have not appeared. I say
free not to show off. But for you to realise that I would never actually pay to see them. Okay.
I like Rum Shebeen. They are like reggae, but good! After we reluctantly rejoined the crawl. Went some places. Missed Amy Winehouse. Saw a bit of The Damned. Stole a toilet sign from Koko. Heh, I am so juvenile. Did some other stuff. Then went home. I had work the next day! I got in about 3am.
The next day we went back to the centre. I had my own bottle of vodka this time. Crackers and butter, too. A guy was juggling bottles for a while. A dog clearly didn't like it because he kept barking aggressively at him. Spent a lot of time laughing in Morrisons toilet. A cleaner came in. Amy and I were sharing a cubicle. I hope it didn't seem too strange. Security was called to the photobooth we were in. Focus on the shoplifters, you bumface! We were only having our picture taken.
We attempted to see Pull Tiger Tail but went to Nandos. I can't really remember what happened then but I know it involved many straws. Tried to see Tiny Dancers. But went upstairs to what looked like a transvestite bar. Went to Electric Ballroom to see Billy Bragg, saw a bit of The Kissaway Trail. Had a nice space at the front. But my body told me NO MORE, so we went home. So, there you go.

Some Amy quotes:
"When people are drunk they say their teeth go numb. I can't feel my teeth anyway. How does that work?"
"Are they really policemen? No, I think they're rent-a-cops."
"I don't like Vodkat. I like
vodka. Vodcrap, that's what they should rename it."

On the above:
Amy: "I feel bad now because that sticker won't come off."
Me: "No, it's graffiti art. You're like Bolshy."
Amy: "Bolshy?!? (many seconds pass) Do you mean Banksy?"
Rum Shebeen: