Wednesday, 18 August 2010

After Verona I flew back home for a few days and then flew back to Tuscany with my mother and sister. Not good planning in hindsight but I did not actually know we were going. I am so glad we stayed in Montecatini Terme. It is so good. From what I could gather it is a holiday destination for Italians...epsecially Italians of an advanced age. I loved walking out in the night and seeing them dressed up to party. The gelaterias would be packed come 9pm. Obviously that's the time to have a deliciously refreshing treat. We hiked through the mountains from Montecatini Alto and ate blackberries, went to the spa and sampled the water cures, caved ( a word?) and had a lot of afternoon naps.

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini alto

montecatini alto

montecatini alto

montecatini alto

montecatini alto

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme

montecatini terme