I noticed there are quite a few birthdays coming up and I was going to make you all cupcakes and take a picture of me stuffing my face with them. But our oven broke. So I had to buy a cake instead. I couldn't help a quick bite before photographing it. I'm sorry. Happy Birthday!!
An electrician came yesterday because the fuse kept blowing and it turns out that my house is a death-trap and needs complete rewiring! He just happened to be rewiring another house on our street and said theirs was just as bad. We have to put ALL our stuff into storage and go live someplace for about a month. Amy said she will take my cat. She has five others and two dogs, so I think one more won't do much. My cat is extremely anti-social. She gets a peek of another cat and she starts ramming into the door. It's quite disturbing. Leland (Amy's) is part feral and will be having none of it.
I had another hospital appointment today and my blood seems to have sorted itself out. My tiredness must have something to do with the fact that I am a complete slob! I do have a ridiculous appointment with the GP at 8.30am tomorrow.
I am to go to Prague on Sunday and return on the 12th, no way am I flying on Friday 13th...so probably no internet til then, due the electricity farce. Our boiler isn't working too. Deary me!