Friday, 11 April 2008


Thanks Bud!

Yo. My life has been so boring, I want to eat my face. My body is generally okay and I'm starting to actually see the outside world again. A bit of shopping, cinema and stuff. I won't be able to start work officially until September so I have lots of time. I'm re-knitting something I started about a million years ago. It's for a christmas present (yes, I know) and it's killing me. But I will do it. I've written lots of letters. It's nice. I like Moonlight and Dirty Sexy Money. I have spent far too much time on the internet applying for free samples and entering competitions. I went to the recording of Nokia Green Room which is being shown on 13th April. So watch it, you may see me refusing to dance. I have tickets for the 19th also. I may dance.


I've always dreamed of name pencils!


I made mini banana cakes. Tasted like old woman.
