Saturday, 22 September 2007
I watched Becoming Jane and was depressed by the ending. And their old people faces.
My tea obsession hasn't subsided. Infact, it's worse. Amy and I went mad today in Morrisons and Waitrose:

I bought a great raincoat from Hennes.

I've been quite busy these last weeks. I was observed doing a literacy training session by about five hundred people. I think I may have to do one next month also. It poops me out with all the talking! I have also spent many hours in the library sorting out reading books. It took ages but I found alot of old Roger Red Hat and Bangers and Mash books that the Literacy Co-ordinators let me keep them because they are CRAP at teaching children to read. They are very monotonous but I loved them when I was at school. And I read fine.
I found a book called Little Rabbit Foo Foo which made me laugh ALOT because Moldy Peaches made a song of it and I only just realised it's a real actual book.
Other things:
*Buying the new black ipod classic instead of the blander silver.
*Watching much Jeeves And Wooster which is possibly the best thing in the world.
*Missing SS play on Monday because I had to go to Brighton to do a risk assessment.
*Watching Neil's Children and seeing an old foe and his new rubbish band.
*Going to the amusing 5-0 defeat of Derby by Arsenal.
*Wrapping Christmas presents and writing Christmas cards.

*Knowing it is only mid-September.